back to the edit…
Back to working full time on Musicwood (had to go to the day job for a while there), and we’re hoping to have the finished film by early summer. Thanks for all your support guys, it really gets us through. Just sent out an update to the Kickstarter backers, and was having a fun time remembering back to the Kickstarter campaign: the intensity, the stress, the massive PR push, the elation at reaching our goal. These days when I see someone I know is running a Kickstarter campaign, I pledge pretty quickly because I remember how amazing it felt for each and every donation (no matter how small!). The site has really blown up in the 9 months since we ran our campaign. They’ve had a number of million-dollar projects, and I think the success rate is currently at about 43%, which makes for some tough odds. It’s a great tool to have, and we couldn’t have gotten to where we are today without it.
And we’re settling in to a solid 6 week edit, where we’re going to take this rough cut and make it something even closer to the finished film. This can be a tough part of the process: we’re so close to being finished, but have to stay focused and work hard to get there. We’re excited to see the finished film begin to take shape, and can’t wait to start the next (and massive) step on our journey: distribution and outreach! Thanks for joining us on this adventure.